Please explore. That's what worlds are for after all.
Rick Wasserman
Knoxville, TN
This series engages the entirety of literature as its playground. Based on the singular question,
“If every book ever written really had happened, what would this nona-dimensional time-space universe be like?”
The first book is the jumping off point for the series, introducing some principle characters, the cursed artifact known as “The Book” and the architecture of the universe. Taking place in Asheville, NC in a similar yet radically different world from our own where the South did not lose the civil war, where Hitler never existed, and where Muammar al-Gaddafi is possibly just one testicle away from being a hero.
The second book establishes some ground rules with a brief wild romp through the “mainline” universes of Tolkien 200 years after Frodo sailed away, A Torchwood/Doctor Who alternate timeline, Orwell’s “1984” as it grinds down to a stop, and a quick stop at a place that might be the mistaken for the Leaky Cauldron. The rest of the story resided primarily in the Randian world of “Anthem” and the mainline encompassing all of the variations of “A Christmas Carol” By Dickens, but in Las Vegas, as a pair of trans-dimensional monsters threatens to eradicate that classic story from all universes. My main protagonist assembles an arm of Randians to destroy them, a plan which fails utterly, and he ends up killed, a lot, and repeatedly. Fortunately, the villain from the first book rescues him…. only to kill him again.
The third book opens us up to the broad pantheon of the “Interweave” of multiple realities. My main protagonist, none the worse for wear for being made dead several times over, embarks on a quest to bring the great powers together to destroy the enders of worlds, which he does, only to have their Boss convince them otherwise. Here we see the Color wheel of prime world archetypes with the society of Muses from deer Red, Science of deep orange, The Tesseract Knights (Randians) of deep Yellow (Order), Gaia, the Goddess of Nature fro the deep green, The Archmage of Deep Blue, and of course, Lord Chao from the Chaos realms of Deep Violet. All well that ends well in Portland Oregon, only not smoothly.
Book four, in process, and in rough draft, Has the protagonist Leaving his newly pregnant love for a brief jaunt to rescue an old friend and check on the balance of the Interweave archetypes. Gaia has gone mad, the Professor is crippled, the Archmage is drunk with power… in other words, things are a mess.
Book five is still out there.
In this format, I can go to any city, read a book or two of any sort and then walk the streets to compose a story of that world in the current time.
I also have a plan to collaborate with a romance writer to demonstrate what happens when you break the golden rule of the Interweave, never visit a mainline where the author is still writing. In the universe of their creations, they ARE GOD! Which could be a problem if they see you wandering about.
There are three completed books and the beginnings of a fourth in this series,
They are all, as yet, unpublished.
I am waiting for the day when I get a agent.
De Planetea….The Wanderers
You are not meant to notice them
They walk through this world as wind
Serving their calling, their purpose
Doomed to solitude and servitude
Till the end of days, perhaps
Or until they choose otherwise
And lose themselves in the tea party
I should not see them, but I do
Weaving invisible magics in the souls
Of those in need of their special gift
For some the gift is self confidence
Others it is the knowledge that love exists
And that One is worthy and deserving of it
There are other gifts as well
Invisible, Sweet, and ephemeral.
I know of several now
But more recently, one in particular
She is fortunate in her own unique way
In that for the next decade or so
She will not walk alone
I am thankful for this blessing
And somewhat envious as well
In my mind she deserves so much more
Than the curse of the wanderer will allow
Copyright 2012 De Planetae: Traveling the interweave. All rights reserved.
Rick Wasserman
Knoxville, TN